Saturday, January 5, 2008

Hillary's melt-down

So, Hillary didn't do so hot in the Iowa caucus. She is such a polarizing figure. People seemed to love or hate her. Newsweek even ran a cover featuring Hill: Do you like me yes or no? Check one.
America seemed to be warming up to Senator Clinton. Publicity machines appeared to be working well for her. The choice to go with just "Hillary" helped to distinguish herself from Bill. Bill was always there though, shamelessly appearing in silly campaign videos as well as at all of her political functions. We get the message: This is not the same, but it is...

I like Hillary Clinton. Of all the candidates she has the most expedience, but I am not sure that America is ready to hire her on as their president.
Back to Iowa. A few weeks ago I thought the caucus would be a slam dunk for team Billary. I was sad that my main man Edwards was just about written off.
Surprise. Hillary's momentum faltered in Iowa!

The winds have changed. Is it possible to win a campaign without mud-slinging? Hillary's popularity suffered when she got her hands dirty. Maybe slingingn mud on a figure so popular was a bad move. Barack Obama is now Oprah's golden boy. (Man, not to use a racially charged word.) An endorsement from Oprah is huge. My God! She has convinced women all over America to get off their fat butts and move! What ever did we read before Oprah came along to tell us what to read?!?

Hilary voted for the war. More than once. I think we as a country just want out of there! Obama was against the war before it started. Edwards has the speediest plan for withdrawal.

Maybe it is still an image thing. Some folks just can't get over the idea that Hillary forgave him. After what he did. With that intern. The wife must suffer for the sins of the husband.

Some people just see Hillary as an ice-queen. Too brainy, too ambitious and without apology. Too hard to relate to. (Many Americans seem to prefer someone as dumb as them. Look a Dubya.) Sounds a lot like another of my favorite "Ice Queens", Martha Stewart.

We all thought Martha was the biggest (greatest) stone-cold-bitch. She was successful, smart, and without end to her ambition. She too, never apologized for being a successful woman in a man's world. Then Martha went to jail. (I really thought that community service decorating Habitat for Humanity houses would have been more appropriate.) When she came out Martha was biggest than ever! Single-handily she brought back the poncho! She got a new TV show, more marketing deals. We love us some Martha!

So, Hill, if you are reading this, maybe a little time in the pokey would do your image some good. Maybe America could fall in love with the new, more accessible you. I'm just sayin'.

Friday, January 4, 2008

resolutions for 2008

I am starting something. Trying to paint. Have neglected to paint since about May.
this painting will live in my kitchen. I took it for a test drive this evening.

Monday, November 19, 2007

nothing from nothing

I am not painting.
Sad, but true.
I painted a mural for a friend's daughter last week. I have to go back to finish up. I will take pictures then. My Mojo is so totally off.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

have I lost my eye?

Been missing my darkroom.
In Connecticut, I took some pictures in the barn where my uncle Paul lives.

My insanely beautiful sister.
So soft and smooth when compared to the aged side of the barn. There will come a time that she too is greyed and faded with age.
Six years without a working darkroom is too long. Maybe I will just buy Photoshop and learn how to do it in the computer...That just feels wrong to even write. Photography is NOT a child-friendly pursuit for an artist. Frustration. I have completed nothing worthwhile this whole Summer. Not even a goofy kid painting. I miss me..

Thursday, June 21, 2007

my bad

Not painting. Not posting.
Been doing different kind of painting.
In the mean time, maybe you might enjoy this.

Monday, June 11, 2007


Nothing new to add. I have been working on home improvement painting instead of real painting. sad but true. Maybe soon?

Monday, May 14, 2007

I miss my darkroom

I am making no art to speak of these days. I sure do miss my dark room. There has not been a working dark room in this house for over 6 years. Sigh.

This is a scanned copy of one of my favorite images. It is my Grandmother Irene. The scan is only so-so. The original has more definition on the right side.